clc input('This is the GAUSS program: a way to find the value of different variables in a matrix') clc disp('Hello! /n Welcome to my cyberspace... /n Today is: ') date clc disp('Please wait while we are processing the current program') pause(4) clc disp('Now we are back') pause(2) clc disp('This is the desired program you requested') disp(' The Gaussian elimination method: ') a=[1,1,1,1,-2;1,2,3,4,-10;2,3,4,1,4;3,4,1,2,-10] %This is a sample initiation for the matrix a [s,t]=size(a); %Rows and Columns will be saved in these two parameters % Converting to an up-triangular matrix for w=1:s-1 for i=w+1:s if a(w,w)==0 & w